

Slavery on Scene: Locating Dutch Theatre in the Abolitionist Debate (1775-1825)
Researcher: Sarah Adams
Supervisor: Kornee van der Haven
Duration: 2016-2020

Boundary stones in the body. Kidney, bladder and gall stones as markers of early modern concepts of the human body and its relations with the outside world (1525-1675) Researcher: Jetze Touber
Duration: 2016-2019

Proteus and the Mirror: Metaphors for Sophistry from Leon Battista Alberti to Desiderius Erasmus
Researcher: Elisa Bacchi (UGent – University of Pisa)
Supervisors: Teodoro Katinis and Giorgio Masi (University of Pisa)
Duration: 2017-2021

Amis sans frontières. Une exploration littéraire de l’hétérosocialité et de l’égalité au XVIIe siècle en France (Friendship across divides. A literary exploration of friendship and equality in seventeenth-century France)
Researcher: Delphine Calle (Postdoctoral researcher, Rutgers University)
Duration: 2018-2019

Revealing Secrets. Rhetoric and Medicine in the Italian Renaissance Literature (ca. 1550-1600)
Researcher: Ruben Celani
Supervisor: Teodoro Katinis
Duration: 2018-2022

ITEMP — Imagineering violence: Techniques of Early Modern Performativity in the Northern and Southern Netherlands 1630-1690
Researcher: Yannice De Bruyn
Supervisors: Prof. dr. Karel Vanhaesebrouck (VUB) and Prof. dr. Kornee van der Haven (with Prof. dr. Inger Leemans (VU Amsterdam) and Frans-Willem Korsten (Leiden University).
Researcher: Michel van Duijnen
Supervisors: Prof. dr. Inger Leemans (VU Amsterdam), Frans-Willem Korsten (Leiden University) and Prof. dr. Kornee van der Haven (with Prof. dr. Karel Vanhaesebrouck (VUB)).
Duration: 2015-2019

From Dissecting Table to Courtroom. The Professionalization of Medico-Legal Expert Witness in the Early Modern County of Flanders (16th-18th Centuries)
Researcher: Kevin Dekoster
Supervisor: Prof dr. René Vermeir
Duration: 2017-2021

STREAM. Spatiotemporal research infrastructure for early modern Flanders and Brabant (2015 – 2020)
Researchers: Wouter Ronsijn, Sofie De Veirman, Ruben Demey, Sarah Heynssens, Sven Vrielinck, Torsten Wiedemann
Supervisors: Isabelle Devos, Thijs Lambrecht, Erik Thoen
Duration: 2015-2020

Radical Revenge? Revenge tragedy and providential thinking in the Dutch Republic (1638-1678)
Researcher: Tom Laureys
Supervisors: Kornee van der Haven and Jürgen Pieters
Duration: 2018-2022

Rinascimento ritrovato. The Renaissance Revival and the Universal Man in Gabriele D’Annunzio (1863-1938) and His Time
Researcher: Guylian Nemegeer
Supervisor: Mara Santi and Teodoro Katinis
Duration: 2018-2022

Singing Communities – Dutch Political Songs and the Performance of National Identity (1780-1820)
Researcher: Renée Vulto
Supervisor: Kornee van der Haven and Isabella van Elferen (Kingston U London)
Duration: 2017-2021